Watch Out! Cyclists Chased by an Ostrich
As cyclists one pre-race ride in South Africa, they get chased by an ostrich, who have no trouble keeping pace with the bikes.
As cyclists one pre-race ride in South Africa, they get chased by an ostrich, who have no trouble keeping pace with the bikes.
When the robots take over, after being knocked around one too many times, it’s good to know that man’s best friend will apparently stand bravely at our sides to ward off the impending revolution.
The cover of the February 21, 1916 edition of the Seattle Star read, “Girls, who’s game to get married? Just propose! We’ll do the rest!”
Domesticated felines are one of the biggest threats to birds worldwide. Two pet owners think they’ve found a solution.
In accordance with his and his family’s wishes, his ashes were interred in an urn shaped like a large version of a Moka pot, the stovetop coffee maker he introduced to the world.